Aaron Bibelhauser & FY5 – Time In And Out

Aaron Bibelhauser & FY5 – Time In And Out

Mike Finders – guitar, vocal

Erin Youngberg – bass, vocal

Rich Zimmerman – mandolin

Aaron Youngberg – banjo

Ryan Drickey – fiddle

Aaron Bibelhauser – guitar, vocal (by Aaron Bibelhauser & Mike Finders, BMI)

“Time In And Out” tells the story of young lovers, caught up in the cycle, balancing the reality of working hard and chasing dreams, while finding one another just in and out of reach along the road.

Writing and recording this song together paved a path across the great plains. And placed an exclamation point on the critical connection between the vibrant music scene. On the front range of the Rocky Mountains, with the historical hotbed of roots music. Here in the Bluegrass State of Kentucky!

Since meeting songwriter, Mike Finders a few years back at IBMA World Of Bluegrass. He and the FY5 band have become much more than wonderful friends to me. I’d describe our connection closer to that of extended family. I’m honored to have this opportunity to work with one of my favorite bands in the whole world.

I’m proud of the way this song shaped up. From its beginnings, sending voice memos back and forth writing it. To the memories created when we arranged and recorded the song. Together at the world-class Swingfingers Recording Studio, in Fort Collins, Colorado. Much love, and gratitude to my family on the front range: Mike Finders, Erin Youngberg, Rich Zimmerman, Ryan Drickey, and Aaron Youngberg. Love you all. -Aaron Bibelhauser

Engineering/Mixing by Aaron Youngberg

Swingfingers Recording Studio

Mastering by Anna Frick, Airshow Mastering

PR – Melanie Wilson, Wilson Pickins Promotions